What is the origin of the Qamis and how is it worn

Nowadays, more and more Muslims can be seen wearing a qamis. Let’s explore where this coveted style appeared and how is it worn according to the different countries.


Origin of the qamis

The origins of the qamis goes back several centuries. Depending on the country the qamis can take different names. It can be called "djellaba" in some countries of the Maghreb, "boubou" in West Africa, or "thawb" in Saudi Arabia and in the countries of the Gulf. However, the best-known name in the rest of the world is the qamis.

In spite of different names according to the places, the qamis has one origin: the sunna, that is to say, the prophetic tradition. In general, Muslim men wear this garment to imitate their model, the prophet of Islam: Mohammed, Peace and Salvation be upon him.


How is the qamis worn?

In general, the qamis is a long tunic that descends to just above the ankles or at the level of the calves. That said, it is worn in different ways according to the traditions of each country.

For example, in Egypt it is often accompanied by a turban or a chechia. In Morocco, a hood was sometimes included. This is called the djellaba. In the countries of West Africa, men wear the boubou, a long and ample robe. In Pakistan, it is divided into two parts: a long tunic and trousers that flows over the ankles. In the Emirates, men prefer to wear their qamis rather long and tailor-made.

If you’re considering acquiring a new qamis, please visit our custom-qamis.com site and opt for your unique customized qamis style.

Categories: Kameez